Chemlight® Lightstick 6" 15cm White 8h Cyalume Technologies (ct-12185146)
ChemLight® LightStick.
Model 6" 15 centimeters.
Color WHITE.
Duration 8 hours.
Super light.
Equipped with hook for fixing.
Patented internal formulation.
It is not flammable after activation.
No maintenance.
It's not toxic.
It does not produce sparks or flames.
Wrapped in film for protection.
Main uses:
- start lines.
- drop zones.
- hazard markers.
- survival
- first aid.
- evacuation.
- shift signals.
Cyalume Technologies has been WORLD leader in chemical light solutions for more than 40 years.
They supply their products to US military forces, NATO and other special forces entities.
100% maximum reliability, quality and warranty of their products.