Control unit m2 gen.2 m4 rear grizzly lab (gz-psj-v2-rear)
Control unit m2 gen.2 m4.
Rear model.
The new generation of PSJ processors carry many new features and have a simpler installation than the previous one.
All the functions of the previous generation have been completely maintained without contact switches, the functions are managed by the union of magnets and powerful cooled mosfets
from the same gearbox, active break running in all modes, programmable burst.
In addition to this you will find new fire modes, installation guidelines and many other features.
This unit can be installed in all V2 gearbox replicas
It has been tested with the following brands: AimTop, Aps, ASG Ultimate, Cyma, Dboys, Guarder, RetroArms, SHS, SRC.
All brands improve and modify their products over time, so there is the possibility that the gearboxes with which we carried out the tests are different from yours.
In all cases this means that your installation may require minor adjustments.
The new generation of PSJ processors carry many new features and have a simpler installation than the previous one.