Pistola a CO2 Gladius MAGNA III 17 series blowback two tone secutor (sr-sagm002d)
Pistola Gladius MAGNA III 17 series.
Funzionamento a CO2.
Modalità di sparo: sicura - colpo singolo.
Carrello & canna in full metal con corpo in polimero.
Modello scarrellante.
Hop up regolabile.
Peso 730gr.
Compatibile con RMR.
Canna esterna 125mm.
Filetto 14mm +.
Gommino hop up AUTOBOT (Maple Leaf).
Colore TWO TONE.
Caricatore 23bb co2.
'Hunter' is the meaning of my name "When the Secutor speaks, the enemy is silenced" I was born with my sword, the Gladius, on Roman sands as a gladiator, and my spirit remains today on hand-to-hand combat. The Gladius once was the most feared short-distance weapon, nowadays the gun has claimed its throne. This is the new Gladius, and you... the new Secutor.